Monday, January 30, 2012

18% Alcohol... This is going to be a bad day!

Saturday we got ready and made our way to Downtown Abacoa for the 6th Annual Jupiter Craft Brewers Festival. We were provided a sampling cup as we entered Roger Dean Stadium. There were over 55 tents set up, and each tent had between 2-6 different kinds of beer. I originally thought I would not find a lot of beer I liked since I have only worked up to fruity wheat and some pale ales style beers. I was wrong!

Almost every tent had a wheat beer. With so many breweries and some many different kinds of beer, I lost track of the ones I actually liked. While talking to the guy at the Dogfish tent, I told him I liked fruity beers. He recommended the Fort Beer. As he was pouring he told me it was a Raspberry Belgian Style Beer with an ABV (alcohol percentage) of about 18%! Wait... What? 18%? I held on to it for a few minutes before I took a sip. I finally decided to try it and realized it was worse then I originally thought. My stomach hurts just thinking about it. It was more like a Port Wine than a beer. I guess that is where the name Fort comes from? 
This was after I tried the Fort. The tree behind me got the rest. 
Me and Huck spent most of the weekend together, just the two of us. We realized we could have went to the beer festival together and had just as much fun.

This was my reaction as a lady with the baby walked by. Who brings their kids to a beer festival?

Around 4PM, I went to the bathroom and when I walked out, all the beer Huck had consumed caught up with him. He went for holding a conversation with no problem to what I call "Drunk Huck". He speaks slower and in very short phrases. There is no transition for Sober Huck to Drunk Huck. It comes without warning. Well I guess the warning is all the craft beer he was drinking. The day went well though. We both had fun. I'm sure he is going to get mad because I said that :) LOVE YOU BABY!!

After the festival, we walked across the street to Jumby Bay Island. After standing in the hot sun all day, I was hungry! Me and Huck split the Chicken Enchilada Soup and the Cuban Sandwich with Fries. I thought I took pictures, but I can't find them. The Cuban is huge. I was full after 1/2, so I'm glad we shared.
I think I'm retiring my Oakley's. They look way to big! 

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